Board of Directors

Devin Thomas

Don Phillips
Board Member
Hi, I'm Don Phillips and I've lived in Oroville twice. The first time was when I served as the
Youth Pastor at the Church of the Nazarene in the 1990s. I then moved to Southern California for
15 years before returning to Oroville about 15 years ago to become the Principal at Central
Middle School (5 years) and then became one of the Founders of STREAM Charter School ten
years ago. Besides these endeavors, I've been a middle school science teacher, coach, and ASB
advisor, a principal at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels in Southern
California as well as a university professor and graduate programs director. I also worked in
corporate management for a couple of years right out of college. I've always been interested in
helping people and now that I'm retired, I have plenty of time to do so. I'm thankful for the
opportunity to serve our community on this board.

Ricky Gabriel
Board Member

Edward Hall
Board Member